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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama gets Heckled

About an hour and a half after President Obama starting giving a speech, Rep. Joe Wilson, of South Carolina yelled out "You Lie!" when Obama said he had never proposed providing coverage to illegal immigrants.
Now, even though Obama formally accepted the apology of Joe Wilson, the effect of his outburst continue to surge across the nation. There have even been doubts about Wilson's politcal future.

According to reports, Congressman Wilson made a phone call personally to the White House, hoping to apologize to Obama. Many politicians are outraged:

"There ought to be a reprimand or censure of Rep. Joe Wilson to discourage that kind of conduct in the future," Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa., said.

"I cringed," Rep. David Dreier, the top-ranking Republican on the House Rules Committee, said about his reaction to the outburst.

"I think it's just unfortunate.""I've been here a long time," said House Rules Committee Chairwoman Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y.,a 23-year House veteran,

"I've never heard anyone accost a president like that."Even Sen. John McCain, Obama's recent opponent, chimed in on CNN to call it "totally disrespectful" and was one of several senior Republicans urging Wilson to apologize.

As it may have seemed, Wilson's uncontrolled temper is now damaging his politcal status. Rob Miller, a Marine Corps veteran who was planning to run against Wilson in 2010, raised over $50000 for his campaign within a day after the incident. What's even more incredible, is that in accordance to Rob Miller's site,, Miller has raised over $300,000 since Thursday. More than half of that came from readers of Daily Kos, who created a fundraising page called "Defeating the man who yelled 'liar' at Obama."

Turns out claiming the President is a liar, and having an outburst of rage at him as well is not such a smart idea...

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