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Monday, September 14, 2009

Kanye West shows his true face... again (ST)

If you watched the VMA's last night, you've already discovered the shocking truth: Kanye West is a douchebag. Okay, maybe it wasn't all that shocking. This outburst, however, was a little over the top even for Kanye.

In case you did not watch the VMA's, Kanye chose to show off his lack of manners by interrupting Taylor Swift's speech. Taylor Swift, a 19-year old rising star, received the Best Female Music Video award. To be frank, this came as a surprise to me; the teenage girl was up against stars like Beyonce, Kelly Clarkson, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, and P!nk. While a lot of people were pleasantly surprised by this, Kanye's surprise came in the form of a rude interruption. While Taylor was up on stage accepting the award, Kanye got up, took the mic from her, and said, "Taylor, I'm really happy for you, and I'm gonna let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time." The crowd booed him off, so he left the embarassed, crying Taylor and went back to his seat.

How rude can you get, Kanye? A big man in his 30's harassing a girl who cannot (legally) drink alcohol for another 1 and a half years... yes, Kanye, you are so incredibly cool. Unbelievable. His egotism knows no bounds, his pride is infinite. I feel pretty bad for Beyonce, who was almost as embarassed by Kanye's outburst as Taylor was. This incident will absolutely hurt Kanye's already damaged reputation. The man keeps stepping on the same rake time and time again... I, for one, was hoping that he learned a lesson from the "South Park" episode that made fun of his enlarged ego and immaturity. Clearly, he didn't. Kanye, please staple your mouth shut, before you utterly destroy your career.


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