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Monday, September 14, 2009

Kanye West shows his true face... again (ST)

If you watched the VMA's last night, you've already discovered the shocking truth: Kanye West is a douchebag. Okay, maybe it wasn't all that shocking. This outburst, however, was a little over the top even for Kanye.

In case you did not watch the VMA's, Kanye chose to show off his lack of manners by interrupting Taylor Swift's speech. Taylor Swift, a 19-year old rising star, received the Best Female Music Video award. To be frank, this came as a surprise to me; the teenage girl was up against stars like Beyonce, Kelly Clarkson, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, and P!nk. While a lot of people were pleasantly surprised by this, Kanye's surprise came in the form of a rude interruption. While Taylor was up on stage accepting the award, Kanye got up, took the mic from her, and said, "Taylor, I'm really happy for you, and I'm gonna let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time." The crowd booed him off, so he left the embarassed, crying Taylor and went back to his seat.

How rude can you get, Kanye? A big man in his 30's harassing a girl who cannot (legally) drink alcohol for another 1 and a half years... yes, Kanye, you are so incredibly cool. Unbelievable. His egotism knows no bounds, his pride is infinite. I feel pretty bad for Beyonce, who was almost as embarassed by Kanye's outburst as Taylor was. This incident will absolutely hurt Kanye's already damaged reputation. The man keeps stepping on the same rake time and time again... I, for one, was hoping that he learned a lesson from the "South Park" episode that made fun of his enlarged ego and immaturity. Clearly, he didn't. Kanye, please staple your mouth shut, before you utterly destroy your career.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

US Airline Industry is Diminishing*

Airlines all around the world have been cutting down their flights for the past two years, to match with the demand in air travel getting smaller.
Lots of big airlines depend greatly on a small amount of passengers who pay constantly high fares. Most of them are business travelers. The problem is that businesses are closing, and that means less business flights.

This may seem like no big deal to the rest of us who don't fly often on business errands, but since less "high end" tickets are purchased, airlines are forced to shrink their airplane supply, and consumers will be left with fewer flights to choose from. Aside from that, there will be over-crowding often as well. This could in turn also cause higher fares.

Thankfully, with our dead-end economy, this will not happen. The reason is because airlines measure capacity in what is referred to commonly as "seat miles", which are the number of miles flown multiplied by the number of seats on the plane. In the same way that a store with too much inventory must cut its prices down, the airline industries cut its capacity by reducing flights or using smaller planer, which carry fewer passengers.
Looks like soon enough, that vacation you had planned to Aruba might have a closing cover put over it, at least until the economy gets a little healthier.

* information from,, and

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Recession not so bad for some

Joe Ray, the owner of Free Range Fish & Lobster, which processes 8 million pounds of fish and shellfish a year, is getting a hefty bonus to his pay. Unfortunately for him, the recession has lowered restaurant sales, but since more and more people are eating at home, the decline in restaurants is more than made up for by the purchase of fish and shellfish, by people looking for seafood to eat at home. They are up by almost 30 %. This shows that not all fields of jobs are effected badly, you just have to know which field is going to be in demand whenever, even when an economic crisis occurs. For example, you may want to consider a career in medicine, as regardless of whether or not people have money to spend on luxurious items, everyone still needs to be healthy. There are ALWAYS doctors in demand. As said above, food industry is also a good base for a career, though a lot of jobs there require very good education to get a decent paycheck.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Obama Places Wreath

Reverberating the words of his forerunner, President Obama promised the United States will never falter in the pursuit of Al-Qaida as he "will never falter" in the pursuit of al-Qaida as he signaled the 8th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks by putting a wreath at the site of the attack on the Pentagon. His words were:

"Let us renew our resolve against those who perpetrated this barbaric act and who plot against us still," Obama said under rainy skies at the memorial to the victims. "In defense of our nation, we will never waver."

President Obama has seperated himself from alot of the anti-terror arrangements of former President Bush. Even so, some of his remarks recalled Bush's speech to Congress after the attacks. "We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail."

Ex Pres. Bush also issued a statemnet today, expressing his compation to the victims and families of victims. He also urged Americans to
"Renew our determination to prevent evil from returning to our shores."

Obama and Michelle, the first lady, began the day, by having a moment of silence at exactly 8:46 am, the minute at which plane hit the World Trade Center. Nearly 200 white house staff also joined the president and his wife in the moment of silence. Obama also spoke at the Pentagon, where a memorial service for 184 people was held.

"Let us remember how we came together as one nation, as one people, as Americans, united not only in our grief, but in our resolve to stand with one another, to stand up for the country we all love." Obama said.

CIA director Leon Panetta sent a letter to intelligence officials on Thursday, recommitting the agency to fight against al Qaida.

"There is no higher priority and no greater focus," he wrote. "No life lost in this attack or battle shall be lost in vain."

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama gets Heckled

About an hour and a half after President Obama starting giving a speech, Rep. Joe Wilson, of South Carolina yelled out "You Lie!" when Obama said he had never proposed providing coverage to illegal immigrants.
Now, even though Obama formally accepted the apology of Joe Wilson, the effect of his outburst continue to surge across the nation. There have even been doubts about Wilson's politcal future.

According to reports, Congressman Wilson made a phone call personally to the White House, hoping to apologize to Obama. Many politicians are outraged:

"There ought to be a reprimand or censure of Rep. Joe Wilson to discourage that kind of conduct in the future," Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa., said.

"I cringed," Rep. David Dreier, the top-ranking Republican on the House Rules Committee, said about his reaction to the outburst.

"I think it's just unfortunate.""I've been here a long time," said House Rules Committee Chairwoman Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y.,a 23-year House veteran,

"I've never heard anyone accost a president like that."Even Sen. John McCain, Obama's recent opponent, chimed in on CNN to call it "totally disrespectful" and was one of several senior Republicans urging Wilson to apologize.

As it may have seemed, Wilson's uncontrolled temper is now damaging his politcal status. Rob Miller, a Marine Corps veteran who was planning to run against Wilson in 2010, raised over $50000 for his campaign within a day after the incident. What's even more incredible, is that in accordance to Rob Miller's site,, Miller has raised over $300,000 since Thursday. More than half of that came from readers of Daily Kos, who created a fundraising page called "Defeating the man who yelled 'liar' at Obama."

Turns out claiming the President is a liar, and having an outburst of rage at him as well is not such a smart idea...

Chupacabra Exists?

So apparently there has been alot of fuss over whether or not the Chupacabra really exists...
For those who don't know, a Chupacabra is a legendary creature, that is rumored to live in parts of the Americas. It has corse skin, and it kills by sucking the blood out of their victims... dracula much?
Anyways, there have been many sighting of this beast in the past, dating all the way back to late march in 1995 in Puerto Rico. 8 Sheep were found dead, with puncture wounds in the chest and were completely drained of their blood.
A sighting or trail of the Chupacabra were claimed to be seen every now and then, but starting from 2004, these sightings have been more and more common. There have been as many as 10 sightings of this creature in the last 5 years.
A few days ago, CNN issued a report, with close up footage of a UDA (Unidentified Dead Animal). Local people are starting to suspect that this animal may have been a Chupacabra. A Texan taxidermist said that he recieved the animal's body from a student of his, whose relative had laid out some poison in his barn, thinking it was a rodent. Unfortunetly for you believers out there, the taxidermist concluded his belief that the animal that was found was nothing more but a mutated coyote. Sorry!

Heres the Vid: